Feb 28 2017

The Prudent Speculator is our newsletter that has been trusted for more than 40 years, and was most recently featured in a Barron’s article, The Little Newsletter That Crushed the Market.
Discover The Prudent Speculator for yourself.
Important Information
John Buckingham is the Chief Investment Officer of the AFAM Division of Kovitz. AFAM is a registered investment advisor, edits The Prudent Speculator, and is the investment advisor to individually managed client accounts and certain mutual funds.
The newsletter average performance of The Prudent Speculator has been the #1 ranked (of 15 newsletter averages), not adjusted for risk, investment newsletter since inception, according to Mark Hulbert and The Hulbert Financial Digest as of 1/31/17. Hulbert calculates newsletter performance on a total return basis, and it is reflective of dividends, splits, corporate actions, margin (if used), and transaction costs. The use of margin magnifies gains/losses and increases risk to a portfolio. Taxes are not taken in account. More information can be found at http://hulbertratings.com/methodology. There are inherent limitations within these model portfolio results as the securities are not actually purchased or sold. They may not reflect the impact, if any, of material market conditions which can affect the decisions related to the execution of securities traded in real time. The performance discussed above references the period starting 6/30/80 through 1/31/17.
The Prudent Speculator newsletter’s Hulbert performance calculation is based on the average of its four newsletter portfolios. Please visit https://theprudentspeculator.com/disclosures, email info@theprudentspeculator.com or call 877.817.4394 for additional information regarding these portfolios. The stocks selected for listing and discussion were based on proprietary analytical work performed by AFAM and were chosen irrespective of profits or losses. The securities presented do not represent all of the securities bought, sold or recommended. See our Previously Recommended Stocks PDF for a list of all past specific investment recommendations.
Please note that the neither the average newsletter performance as calculated by Hulbert, nor the performance of any of the newsletter portfolios, either individually or in concert, is or is intended to be representative of any individual product available through AFAM, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. No guarantee of investment performance is being provided, and no inference to the contrary should be made. There is a risk of loss from an investment in securities. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Registration of an investment adviser does not imply any certain level of skill or training.